Fellowship Symbolism

The Logo
The D-MIF Logo consists of 3 hands connecting to 3 arms without a break in the connection. The number "3" is spiritually representative of the Holy Trinity. The logo symbolizes a never ending connection to the Trinity and a lifelong commitment of fellowship and godly service. "10 Years" represents our Decennial Year Accomplishment. The inscription abbreviates the name of the fellowship and is centered in a banner to represent the prestige and elegance of D-MIF.
D-MIF believes the Logo and Seal represents the real essence of the Reformation. The Logo and Seal are copyrighted and trademarked. Permission is and can be granted to utilize the Logo or Seal for the sole purpose of official business use only. The distribution of materials for sale, lease or lending is not permissible without written approval from the National office.
Please note that use of the Logo for personal gain, manipulation or misrepresentation is forbidden and subject to penalties under the law. D-MIF maintains control, distribution and use of the logo. The D-MIF Logo and Seal is to be properly utilized at any and all D-MIF functions in its official use and capacity.
The Headquarters and the Office of the Executive Secretary must approve all stationery, utilizing the Official Logo. The Logo may not be altered in any form to accommodate personal or local church usage. Members in any and all areas of Leadership should immediately correct and if necessary, report, and/or enforce inappropriate usage of the Logo to the Office of the Executive Secretary and/or to the Headquarters.

The Main Seal
The Crown
We Have Royal Authority
The Large Shield
We Are Defenders of the Faith
The Cross Flory
We Have Conquered
The Open Bible
We Are Presenters of Truth
The Lamb
We Are Redeemed & Made Innocent
Patriarchal Cross
We Are Shepherds & Rulers
Golden Communion Chalice
We Have Fellowship With Christ
Dove Descending
We Are Empowered By the Holy Ghost
5 Quatrefoils (Primrose)
We Are Bringers of Good Tidings
Note: (4 Quatrefoils are symbolic of the 4 Executive Founders)
(The center Quatrefoil symbolizes our Apostolic Father at rest, Rev. Sylvester Pigues)
The Handshake
We Have Fellowship
The Color Red
We Are Warriors
The Color Gold
We Are Elevated In Mind
The Color White
We Are Sincere